No. 03

Hello everyone,

We’ve created a short 3-minute MBS video to increase awareness of the abundance of birdlife in the Alfred Cove region. Here it is: MBS Video. Our gratitude to wildlife photographer Melissa Zapelli for allowing her beautiful photos of birds at Alfred Cove to be used, as well as the other photographers who gave us their lovely photos. The video has been sent to the City of Melville’s Mayor, all councillors, the CEO and other City officers. It is also on our Facebook page.

In case you missed the article about the Melville Bird Sanctuary in the Melville Herald of 15 August 2020, here’s a link: Article.

We are continuing to communicate with the Council and the City of Melville in what we all see as a very positive undertaking. Our latest email dated 3 September 2020 to the Council and City is at this link.

Please keep spreading the word about the MBS, forward our video to your contacts and if you are a Facebook user, please get on and 'Like' our Facebook page at Also encourage your contacts to do the same.

In addition to being a huge community asset, the MBS will be a significant environmental project which will deliver important conservation outcomes for current and future generations. The question is not ‘whether’ to establish the MBS but ‘when’. We believe that time is now.
Kind regards,

Tom Lubin and Jenny Christenson
Friends of the Melville Bird Sanctuary (FMBS)


No. 04


No. 02