No. 07

Hello everyone,

Welcome to our end-of-year Newsletter for 2020.

Much has happened since our committee of 2, calling ourselves Friends of Melville Bird Sanctuary (FMBS), made use of WA’s COVID-19 lockdown in March/April to recommence work on the Melville Bird Sanctuary (MBS) proposal. We had initiated the MBS proposal in 2018 as members of Alfred Cove Action Group (ACAG) committee (this committee is now disbanded).

We set about laying new groundwork for the MBS proposal by approaching the City of Melville followed by consultations with a number of key stakeholders including our Member for Bicton, Lisa O’Malley MLA, the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions (DBCA), Birdlife WA and the Swan Estuary Reserves Action Group (SERAG). We were encouraged by these stakeholders’ wholehearted support for the MBS proposal. As well, Lisa O’Malley accompanied Environment Minister Stephen Dawson MLC on a visit to Alfred Cove in late July to see at first-hand the area being proposed for the MBS.

City's Mick McCarthy briefing us on MBS progress

Through the year, we’ve kept our supporters - a few thousand community members - informed of progress through regular emailed Newsletters and Facebook posts. We also made a deputation to Melville Council in October 2020. Following this, the Council unanimously voted for the MBS to be included in the City’s Attadale/Alfred Cove Master Plan at its October meeting.

We thank our Mayor George Gear and the entire Council (special thanks to Councillor Glynis Barber and Deputy Mayor June Barton) for their support. The Master Plan will be steered by an external consultant who has just been appointed and will commence stakeholder engagement early in the new year. We have spoken briefly with the external consultant and look forward to further engagement. As well, the City is seeking proposals for the Aboriginal consultation and an archaeological survey of the study area covered by the Master Plan. This work will lead to the preparation of a Cultural Heritage Management Plan, which will be a key input into the Master Plan.

We thank our Member for Bicton Lisa O’Malley who has been a continual source of support and has played a major role in easing the way for the MBS. Our thanks as well to the City’s CEO Marten Tieleman and Director for Technical Services Mick McCarthy for acknowledging the importance of the MBS and for keeping FMBS in the loop. Without the City’s support, an MBS would not be possible.

Participants on the walk

Most importantly, thanks to all of you who have supported the MBS proposal from the time it was presented to the AGM of Electors in December 2018, to signing the Conservation Council of WA/ACAG petition for an MBS through to the present time of continuing to support this unique and highly significant environmental project.

Most recently in early December, we organised a birdwatching walk at Alfred Cove. The walk was led by SERAG’s Margaret Matassa whose expert local knowledge was greatly appreciated by all. The participants included Lisa O’Malley and the City of Melville’s Mick McCarthy. We saw approximately 35 different species of birds including the amazing trans equatorial migratory birds (Common Greenshanks, Grey Plovers, Common Sandpipers) visiting Alfred Cove from Siberia for our Spring and Summer. You can find out more about these and a lot of other valuable information if you join one of our organised bird-walks in the New Year. Dates and times will be advertised on our Facebook page as well as by email.

We’re pleased to say that we end this year on a high note of confidence in the Melville Bird Sanctuary becoming a reality.

Have a lovely festive season, be safe and our best wishes to you and your families for 2021.

Kind regards,

Tom Lubin and Jenny Christenson
Friends of the Melville Bird Sanctuary


No. 08


No. 06