No. 25

Council Resolution supporting the establishment of the MBS; MBS Boundaries; Where to From Here; Next Birdwatching Walk

Hello everyone,

We’re still on a cloud since the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) and Melville Council supported the establishment of the Melville Bird Sanctuary (MBS). A big Thank You to both for this outstanding acknowledgement of the importance of our birdlife and the environment in which they live. 

Melville Council Resolution on 20 June 2023, unanimously supported by Mayor George Gear and all councillors:

That Council supports the establishment of the Melville Bird Sanctuary based on both Stage 1 and Stage 2 boundaries, excluding Quarantine Park, with the primary purpose of managing the land for biodiversity protection, enhancement and conservation.”

Approved Melville Bird Sanctuary Boundaries:

STAGE 1 – MBS Boundaries along the foreshore of the Swan Estuary Marine Park, including the mudflats, from Ness Road, Applecross to Page Road, Attadale, the Crown Land at the western end of Tompkins Park foreshore, Pt Waylen peninsula and the Bushbird Habitat between western end of Troy Park Oval to Haig Road, Attadale including the land between the foreshore and Burke Drive.

STAGE 2 – MBS boundaries from Pt Walter Spit and along Blackwall Reach Parade to Bicton jetty (excluding Quarantine Park). 

The City of Melville (CoM) is preparing a current MBS boundaries map via GIS. When completed, it can be accessed by all. 

Where to From Here?

Having spent the past 3+ years involved in substantial advocacy and lobbying for the establishment of the MBS (with all that entailed), our work will now most likely increase but be different. We’ll keep you informed as we continue the MBS journey of:

  • Raising awareness and providing community education on the importance of the MBS for birdlife and the environment (incl development of a new website, education programs, installation of signage, some bird viewing platforms, birdwatching walks)

  • promoting the MBS through various communication and social media channels 

  • providing input and feedback on the implementation of the Attadale Alfred Cove Foreshore Master Plan for positive impact on the MBS (incl repair and revegetation)

It’s a big program and will take place over several years during which FoMBS will work together with DBCA, City of Melville, the Swan Estuary Reserves Action Group (SERAG), the Bicton Environmental Action Group (BEAG) and other volunteer groups in the MBS area.

But firstly our Friends of Melville Bird Sanctuary group has to incorporate to qualify for grants and other funding to add to what CoM and DBCA are able and willing to contribute to the MBS. We’re currently working on the incorporation process which we understand takes at least 2 months from date of submission to the relevant authority.

Next Birdwatching Walk - Wednesday 26 July 3pm – 5pm

Our next Birdwatching Walk will be on Wednesday 26 July starting at 3pm from the entrance to Troy Park (opp 194 Burke Drive, Attadale). It will be led by Margaret Matassa, Chair of SERAG. Margaret has an incredible knowledge of the area and a wonderful way of imparting it to her audience. She and her team have been tireless in their voluntary work (since 2010) at Alfred Cove, Milyu South Perth and Pelican Point Crawley, promoting the well being of these three interdependent and internationally important areas of natural value in the Swan River Estuary.

If you’d like to attend (and we'd love you to come along), please bring a pair of birdwatching binoculars, sunscreen (if you’re optimistic), a raincoat and a bottle of water. We’ll have about 8 pairs of spare binoculars as well. Please try to be there at 2.45pm to complete registration details. If you feel unwell, please take care of yourself and stay home.

We look forward to being in touch with you again soon and keeping you posted on exciting MBS developments. And we look forward to your continuing support.

All the best,

Tom Lubin and Jenny Christenson
Friends of Melville Bird Sanctuary

Spot the birds here?


No. 26


No. 24