No. 29

Our New Year's Newsletter

Happy New Year from Alfred Cove, MBS

Hello everyone,

We wish you a very Happy New Year! May 2024 hold promise of a bright future and less pressure for us all.

Some 3+ years prior to June 2023, when we were first starting to develop our vision for a Melville Bird Sanctuary, several people sought to give us well-meaning advice along the lines of “The Melville Bird Sanctuary is a great idea but it’ll never get up!” “You’re wasting your energy.” We partially agreed with them but our conviction and your encouragement propelled us to advocate and lobby for the establishment of the Melville Bird Sanctuary.

Then, days before the Melville Council Meeting on 20 June 2023, we had welcome news that DBCA’s Swan River Trust and Conservation and Parks Commission had supported the establishment of the MBS. And we were at the Melville Council Meeting on 20 June 2023 to hear and watch as Council unanimously approved the boundaries of the Melville Bird Sanctuary. What a year it’s been! Thanks in big part for your support.

Support from DBCA and Melville Council for the MBS is a major win for birds and the environment and we are the envy of many in other Local Government bodies who wish their Councils would have such long term vision.

We’d like to make special mention of those who supported the vision of a Melville Bird Sanctuary from its early days, in particular our Member for Bicton Lisa O’Malley, DBCA’s Mark Cugley, Birdlife WA’s Viv Read, SERAG’s Margaret Matassa, City of Melville’s Mick McCarthy, BEAG's Peter Neesham.

The establishment of the Melville Bird Sanctuary while being supported by the City of Melville and DBCA will greatly benefit from the services of a group of dedicated/passionate volunteers. We (Tom and Jenny) are now part of a cross organisational Committee (along with the City of Melville, DBCA and SERAG) assessing the needs and requirements of the MBS. We also have our own FoMBS Committee.

We're now in need of volunteers. Could you be one of these? Volunteering opportunities are as follows:

  • Monthly birdcounts at Alfred Cove and Pt Walter (done under guidance of experienced leaders and providing for some great birdwatching)

  • Noting areas of concern, bird disturbances etc and providing us with feedback (may be done while out walking in the MBS boundaries)

  • Suggesting and assisting with fundraising activities

  • Assisting on the FoMBS Committee

  • Other activities as these may arise

Please drop us an email at if you're interested and need further information or want to have a chat.  We'd love to hear from you.

Best wishes,

Jenny Christenson & Tom Lubin
Friends of Melville Bird Sanctuary 

Donations may be made to our Westpac Bank Account. Details as follows:

Friends of Melville Bird Sanctuary
BSB: 036-084
A/c: 494777


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